Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sejarah Chapter1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

Chapter 1.1 (Pertapakan Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (SHTI) di Pulau Pinang)
Ok, before I start I just want you all to know that for me History is a wonderland. You will find out the interesting of History become wonderland! Pulau Penang is once a state under Kedah. The SHTI as an ant is atracted by the sweats in Pulau Pinang. But the problem is SHIT cannot attack Kedah because the gangster( Siam ) is controling Kedah.

They want Pulau Pinang because it serves as (Pusat Pengumpulan Barang), (Pelabuhan Persinggah) and (Pangkalan Tentera-Army base).

  • Pusat Pengumpulan Barang(Lolipop warehouse)
SHTI need tea lolipop from China and China want lada hitam (Black pepper), bijih timah (Tin) and emas (Gold) flavor or lolipop and all those flavor can be found in Pulau Pinang.

  • Pelabuhan Persinggah (Dog house)
In Pulau Pinang SHTI can go rest and restock like water(bekalan air) and repair their Water Dragon(Ship). Pulau Pinang also can protect them when the sea is full of MONSTER(Peralihan Angin Monsun)

  • Pangkalan Tentera (Little Army Motel)
British (Lego World) and Perancis (Ben 10) are fighting for India (lolipop founder). SHTI use Pulau Pinang to defence India from Perancis (Ben 10) sneak attack.

Kedaulatan Kedah Tercabar
16centuary Kedah is facing alot 'cabaran' in the country and out the country.
  • Ancaman Bugis
  • Ancaman Siam
Ancaman Bugis(Fatty)
In the 18century, there are some conflict and robbery of throne(takhta-treasure) between the 'pembesar'. 'Sultan Muhammad Jiwa' choose 'Tunku Abdullah' as the young king (Raja Mudah). The selection is not agree by the 'pembesar' because 'Tunku Abdullah' is not the king's son(Anak Gahara). This causes the 'pembesar' to ask 'Raja Haji' the king of Bugis to attack 'Sultan Muhammad Jiwa' and he lose and went to Kangar.

Ancaman Siam(Gangster)
Kedah stop sending lolipop (bunga emas) to Siam when Siam (The gangster) is having a war with Burma (Orang Asli) during 1753-1781. When war ends, Siam become more powerful and now ask for more lolipops (Bunga emas) and human power (Tenaga manusia). Kedah felt 'terancam' (threatened) by Siam when 'Sultan Abdullah' is controling Kedah from 1778-1797. To find help, He find SHTI ruler Francis Light to help defence Kedah. Francis Light found out that the important of Pulau Pinang, but to defences Siam means to end the lolipop business.

Chapter 1.2( Tipu Helah Francis Light bagi Mendapatkan Pulau Pinang )
Sultan Abdullah membenarkan SHTI menduduki di Pulau Pinang tetapi ada Perjanjian.

Perjanjian ini telah ditandatangani antara Francis Light dengan Sultan Abdullah hendak mendapatkan Pulau Pinang.
Antara syarat perjanjian ialah:
  • SHTI membantu Kedah sekiranya Kedah diserang oleh musuh.
  • SHTI tidak boleh melindungi musuh Kedah
  • SHTI akan membayak sebanyak 30,000 dolar Sepanyol setahun kepada sultan sebagai pampasan.
In Ogos 11/1786, Francis Light raise their flag in 'Bukit Bendera' and name Pulau Pinang (Prince Of Wales Island).On 1786, Siam attack Kedah-Patani. 'Sultan Abdullah' called for help but SHTI don't want to give help because to keep their lolipop business with Siam. After the war, 'Sultan Abdullah' ask for pampasan (compensation).

Year 1791, Sultan Abdulah ready to attack Pulau Pinang but Francis Light called help from British (Lego World) to help defence. Kedah lose and force to sign (Perjanjian Persahabatan dan Keamanan Inggeris-Kedah) on 1791. SHTI will give Sultan 6000dolar sepanyol each year and choose George Leith as the Gavernor (Gabenor) Pulau Pinang.

Chapter 1.3 (SHTI Menguasai Seberang Perai)

SHTI need 'Seberang Perai' as a defence line (Bentang) to defence and attack. Other than that, the land in 'Seberang Perai' is good(subur) for plantation.Perjanian ini ditandatangani antara Sultan Dziauddin dengan George Leith untuk mengambil Seberang Perai
Antara syarat perjanjian ialah:
Perjanjian Burney adalah satu perjanjian ditandatangani antara Siam iaitu Rama III dan Pihak British pada 1826. Ia mengakui tuntutan Siam keatas empat negeri Melayu utara iaitu Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis dan Terengganu. Perjanjian ini selanjutnya menjamin pemilikan Pulau Pinang bagi British dan memberikan hak kepada British untuk berdagang di Kelantan dan Terengganu tanpa ganguan Siam. Keempat-empat negeri Melayu tidak diwakili dalam rundingan perjanjian ini.

Sultan Kedah workhard to ask for help from British (Lego World) to save the Independent of Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh your sejarah are much interesting leh....the SHTI u type as SHIT...GOOD! make me rem the SHTI cannot attack Kedah....wakaka....thx
    I will come back again ~~~
