Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Geograph chapter 2 (Intereting Method of Understanding)

Chapter 2 Arah (Direction)
In form 1 we actually learn this but, this is actually
  • North-Utara
  • South-Selatan
  • East-Timur
  • West-Barat
It's just that now we calculate it in numbers...
This is the compass written in Language

This is written in numbers.

This method is used by pilots to navigate easier that ever because they have a clear idea of how much degree to turn.

All you need is a:
  • Protractor
  • Pensil
If you want to measure the distance between distance A and B the point must be pointing at A your protractor must be horizontal.
If you 0' is Pointing up to North (Utara) means that 180' South (Selatan) is pointing down. Now just measure where is B located using the number. If the number 34 is pointing B=B is located at 34'

Monday, January 24, 2011

Science Form 2 Chapter 1.4, 1.5and 1.6

Hi there, we meet again and now we are going to continue our journey to success on science...

Chapter1.4 (Sense of Taste)
The tongue we know is use to taste the flavor of the food because the food contain chemicals that stimulate the receptors on our tongue called the taste buds.
The diagram above is the location of different receptors. The interesting part is that these tiny receptors (Taste Buds) can detect 4 kind of taste that is
  • Bitter
  • Sour 
  • Salty
  • Sweet
When we chew our food, the chemicals in the food is dissolve in the saliva. These dissolve chemicals stimulate the taste buds to send nerve impluse to the brain.

The other thing is, we don't only use our tongue to taste food but nose too! As you can see when u are having a cold you will felt that all food are almost tasteless. This is because the nose and the mouth is actually connected! So some of the chemical goes to the nose.

Chapter 1.5 (Sense of Hearing)
The ear has help us to hear . It has three main parts that are
  • Outer ear
  • Middle ear
  • Inner ear
Most part of the ear are located inside the skul so let's take a look at it!
The three smalls bone that are connected to the eardrum are also called Ossicles.
Ok, this is how the ear works...
  1. The Pinna directs sound into the ear.
  2. The sound is traveled down through the ear canal.
  3. The eardrum vibrates.
  4. The ossicles like speakers amplify it and transfer to the oval window.
  5. The oval window transfer the vibrations to the Cochlea.
  6. The Cochlea turns vibrations to nerve impluse.
  7. The auditory nerve carry the info to the brain.
TADA! Finish!
There are 2 more part of the ear I din't list out because it's not for hearing. They are:
  • Eustachian tube
  • Semicircular canals
Eustachian tube is use to balance the pressure in the ear to prevent the eardrum from damaging.
Semicircular canals are use to keep you walk upright. It detect movement and position of our head to keep our balance!

Chapter 1.6 (Sense of Sight)
The eye allowed us look at the beautiful lady (JKJK). The eye is slightly flattened but not as flat as roti canai! The eyelids, a layer of skin is use to protect our eye.This is how an eye look like.

The eye is made up of three coats, enclosing three transparent structures. The outermost layer is composed of the cornea and sclera. The middle layer consists of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. The innermost is the retina, which gets its circulation from the vessels of the choroid as well as the retinal vessels, which can be seen in an ophthalmoscope.
Within these coats are the aqueous humor, the vitreous body, and the flexible lens. The aqueous humor is a clear fluid that is contained in two areas: the anterior chamber between the cornea and the iris and exposed area of the lens; and the posterior chamber, behind the iris and the rest. The lens is suspended to the ciliary body by the suspensory ligament, made up of fine transparent fibers. The vitreous body is a clear jelly that is much larger than the aqueous humor, and is bordered by the sclera, zonule, and lens. They are connected via the pupil.[2]
These are the functions of the eye:
  1. Sclera-Protect and maintain the shape of the eye ball
  2. Choroid-Absorbs light/prevent reflection of light/supplies nutrients and oxygen
  3. Retina-Detects light/porduce nerve impluse
  4. Lens-Focuses light
  5. Vitreous humour-Help refracting light/maintain shape of eyeball
  6. Suspensory ligaments-Hold the lens
  7. Ciliary body-Contracts and relaxes to change the thickness of lens
  8. Conjuntiva-Protect the cornea
  9. Aqueous humour-Helps refracting light/maintain the shape of eyeballs
  10. Cornea-Refract (bend) light onto Retina
  11. Pupil-control the amount of light enters
  12. Iris-Control Pupil
  13. Yellow Spot (fovea)-Detect light or images fall on it
  14. Blind spot-The shop where optic nerve leves the eyeballs
  15. Optic nerve-Carries nerve impluse.
How do we see images?

Ok...Finally the last part. When we see images, the images falls on the retina to produce nerve impluse to the brain and that's how we see things!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sejarah Chapter1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

Chapter 1.1 (Pertapakan Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (SHTI) di Pulau Pinang)
Ok, before I start I just want you all to know that for me History is a wonderland. You will find out the interesting of History become wonderland! Pulau Penang is once a state under Kedah. The SHTI as an ant is atracted by the sweats in Pulau Pinang. But the problem is SHIT cannot attack Kedah because the gangster( Siam ) is controling Kedah.

They want Pulau Pinang because it serves as (Pusat Pengumpulan Barang), (Pelabuhan Persinggah) and (Pangkalan Tentera-Army base).

  • Pusat Pengumpulan Barang(Lolipop warehouse)
SHTI need tea lolipop from China and China want lada hitam (Black pepper), bijih timah (Tin) and emas (Gold) flavor or lolipop and all those flavor can be found in Pulau Pinang.

  • Pelabuhan Persinggah (Dog house)
In Pulau Pinang SHTI can go rest and restock like water(bekalan air) and repair their Water Dragon(Ship). Pulau Pinang also can protect them when the sea is full of MONSTER(Peralihan Angin Monsun)

  • Pangkalan Tentera (Little Army Motel)
British (Lego World) and Perancis (Ben 10) are fighting for India (lolipop founder). SHTI use Pulau Pinang to defence India from Perancis (Ben 10) sneak attack.

Kedaulatan Kedah Tercabar
16centuary Kedah is facing alot 'cabaran' in the country and out the country.
  • Ancaman Bugis
  • Ancaman Siam
Ancaman Bugis(Fatty)
In the 18century, there are some conflict and robbery of throne(takhta-treasure) between the 'pembesar'. 'Sultan Muhammad Jiwa' choose 'Tunku Abdullah' as the young king (Raja Mudah). The selection is not agree by the 'pembesar' because 'Tunku Abdullah' is not the king's son(Anak Gahara). This causes the 'pembesar' to ask 'Raja Haji' the king of Bugis to attack 'Sultan Muhammad Jiwa' and he lose and went to Kangar.

Ancaman Siam(Gangster)
Kedah stop sending lolipop (bunga emas) to Siam when Siam (The gangster) is having a war with Burma (Orang Asli) during 1753-1781. When war ends, Siam become more powerful and now ask for more lolipops (Bunga emas) and human power (Tenaga manusia). Kedah felt 'terancam' (threatened) by Siam when 'Sultan Abdullah' is controling Kedah from 1778-1797. To find help, He find SHTI ruler Francis Light to help defence Kedah. Francis Light found out that the important of Pulau Pinang, but to defences Siam means to end the lolipop business.

Chapter 1.2( Tipu Helah Francis Light bagi Mendapatkan Pulau Pinang )
Sultan Abdullah membenarkan SHTI menduduki di Pulau Pinang tetapi ada Perjanjian.

Perjanjian ini telah ditandatangani antara Francis Light dengan Sultan Abdullah hendak mendapatkan Pulau Pinang.
Antara syarat perjanjian ialah:
  • SHTI membantu Kedah sekiranya Kedah diserang oleh musuh.
  • SHTI tidak boleh melindungi musuh Kedah
  • SHTI akan membayak sebanyak 30,000 dolar Sepanyol setahun kepada sultan sebagai pampasan.
In Ogos 11/1786, Francis Light raise their flag in 'Bukit Bendera' and name Pulau Pinang (Prince Of Wales Island).On 1786, Siam attack Kedah-Patani. 'Sultan Abdullah' called for help but SHTI don't want to give help because to keep their lolipop business with Siam. After the war, 'Sultan Abdullah' ask for pampasan (compensation).

Year 1791, Sultan Abdulah ready to attack Pulau Pinang but Francis Light called help from British (Lego World) to help defence. Kedah lose and force to sign (Perjanjian Persahabatan dan Keamanan Inggeris-Kedah) on 1791. SHTI will give Sultan 6000dolar sepanyol each year and choose George Leith as the Gavernor (Gabenor) Pulau Pinang.

Chapter 1.3 (SHTI Menguasai Seberang Perai)

SHTI need 'Seberang Perai' as a defence line (Bentang) to defence and attack. Other than that, the land in 'Seberang Perai' is good(subur) for plantation.Perjanian ini ditandatangani antara Sultan Dziauddin dengan George Leith untuk mengambil Seberang Perai
Antara syarat perjanjian ialah:
Perjanjian Burney adalah satu perjanjian ditandatangani antara Siam iaitu Rama III dan Pihak British pada 1826. Ia mengakui tuntutan Siam keatas empat negeri Melayu utara iaitu Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis dan Terengganu. Perjanjian ini selanjutnya menjamin pemilikan Pulau Pinang bagi British dan memberikan hak kepada British untuk berdagang di Kelantan dan Terengganu tanpa ganguan Siam. Keempat-empat negeri Melayu tidak diwakili dalam rundingan perjanjian ini.

Sultan Kedah workhard to ask for help from British (Lego World) to save the Independent of Malaysia.

Geograph chapter 1 (Melay Version)

Chapter 1 Kedudukan
You will learn:
  • Latitud
  • Longitud
  • Menentukan Kedudukan
  • Megira Waktu
 Latitud and Longitud ialah salah satu cara kita menentukan kedudukan sesuatu tempat. Latitud dilukis secara mendatar manakala Longitud di lukis secara menegak.
Prime Meridian juga dikenali sebagai Garisan Meridian Pangkal(GMP). Equator ialah garisan Khatulistiwa. Garisan Meridian Pangkal(GMP) juga dikenali sebagai Garisan Tarikh Antarabangsa(GTA).GTA dan GMP mula di darjah 0 di Greenwich di London. Darjah GTA ialah 180Darjah T/B manakala darjah GMP ialah 0 darjah.
 Garisan Tarikh Antarabangsa digunakan untuk menentukan masa.
Selain daripada itu, terdapat 2 lagi garisan di Latitud iaitu Garisan Sartan dan Jadi. Garisan Sartan diletak di darjah 23,1/2'U manakala Garisan Jadi diletak di darjah 23,1/2'S.

Kedudukan Pada Atlas
Untuk menentukan kedudukan, latitud dan longitud digunakan sekali untuk menentukan kedudukan. Kedudukan sesuatu tempat ditulis latitud di hadapan dan longitud di belakang. Contohnya kedudukan Kuala Lumpur ialah 4'U,103'T. U dikenali sebagai Utara, T-Timur, S-Selatan dan B-Barat.

Mengira Waktu
Masa di Bumi kita dikira menggunakan Latitud dan Longitud. 1' ialah 4minit manakala 15' ialah 1 jam. Jika Malaysia terletak di longitud 103'T dan waktu di Greenwich ialah 5ptg, waktu di Malaysia ialah pukul 11.52malam.

Inilah cara kita mengira waktu:  
         =6jam 52 minit
         =11.52malam di Malaysia

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Science Form 2 Chapter 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

Ok, let me start introducing to you science. First of all I want you to know that science is actually a natural phenomena that happens around us and help the human being to have a easier life. Sensory Organs are use to detect stimuli. We have 5 sensory organs...
  • Sense of smell (nose/chemical in air)   
  • Sense of taste (tongue/chemical in food)
  • Sense of hearing (ear)
  • Sense of sight (eye)
  • Sense of touch (skin)
This is the path way for the brain=

Stimuli------Receptors in sensory organ--(nerve impluses)--nerve------Brain|
              Response------Effectors(muscles, glands)--(nerve impluse)--nerve

The receptors in sensory organ produces nerve impluse. then it's send to the brain to interprets and that's how u response!Effectors are part of your body like muscles.

Now let's enter chapter 1.2(Touch)
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It detect temperature, pain, touch and pressure.
It has two main layers the outer epidermis and inner dermis.
Fot the last layer subcutaneous layer is actually called fatty layer.There are also blood vessel, nerve, gland and more.

Now this is the receptors, there are 5 type of receptors in it which is preassure, heat, cold, pain and touch.The sensitivity of your skin also depends on the deepness of your receptors from the skin and how close together there are.

Chapter 1.3(Smell)
Our nose not just help us breathing but smelling.
The 2 holes in our nose is Nostril and the hollow space is called the Nasal cavity. The receptors for the nose is located on the celling of the Nasal cavity. There is also mucous lining in the Nasal cavity which function is moistens the air before entering the lung.
As you can see the receptors on the celling.The mucous is actually dissolving the chemical in air to stimulate the receptors.But after smelling something to long, the receptors stop sending nerve impluse (electrical messages) to the brain.


Hi! My name is Nicholas Leong and you are now in my blog and I'm sure that you will have a much more relaxing reading method other than keep on reading the text box and notes which are all in word that made you sleep. In this blog, there will be short notes and mind map. I'll go chapter by chapter with you except for Chinese. English and Melay. Sorry I can't you out on that three subject because you noly need to understand and nothing about all those stuff. My method is going 3 small chapter maybe 3 or 5 day and finish in about 2 weeks. Every Saturday I will renew the info in it to the newest one. If you have achieve 70% above and would like to join with me to write in this blog you are welcome but you have to go through test and exercise. I hope you will success in your exams and a relaxing 2011.